Contact Us

Feel free to contact us. If you have any questions or comments, please email us or send us a message using the contact form.

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Houston, TX 77008,

United States of America


123 Street Avenue, City Town, 99999

(123) 555-6789


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Link to read me page with more information.

Returns & Shipping (original)

We will provide the highest level of customer service and high quality products.

Our Returns Policy

A full refund will be issued to unopened and slightly damaged (caused by us) items within 31 days. If you received a defective or incorrect item due to lack of quality, we will cover all of the shipping costs associated with the returns.

Allow 5-10 business days for the transaction to be finalized and up to another two business days for funds to be returned. If you have any complications with the process of your return or to get an update contact us at


How we Ship USA only (pricing will display @ checkout)

Free shipping  - allow 7-10 business days

Standard shipping - allow 5-7 business days

Elite shipping - allow 2-3 business days

For international orders please contact us at we are more than happy to help you get your LapSQuare!